Layout (for above grade only): Lay the course(s) of block below the desired flashing level until above grade.  BlockFlash is to be installed ABOVE GRADE ONLY.

Placement Option A: Install the BlockFlash course by spacing units over the cores of each block.

Option B: Install the BlockFlash course evenly along the formed concrete foundation or slab. When placing BlockFlash directly on finished floor, place two beads of butyl sealant parallel with the face of the wall under the BlockFlash pans. Ensure that the pans are flat and level before placing the CMU or Structural brick on top of the BlockFlash to prevent any possibility of water intrusion under the pans due to capillary action which could occur during an extreme weather event. Placement of the butyl should not raise or tilt the BlockFlash pan in either direction.

For Both Options A & B: Use the reference lip on bottom of the BlockFlash spout to position the pan against front of foundation or block. The drip edge on the weep spout will extend slightly. Make sure the connector bridges overlap the next pan.  This will divert water into adjoining BlockFlash pans.

Vertical Rebar / Grouted Cells / Corners: Where walls are reinforced, eliminate the BlockFlash pan at the grouted core and detatch the connector bridge from the adjoining pan by bending it back and forth a few times.  Use same technique for corners. Cross web mortar adjacent to the grouted core making sure to overlap the BlockFlash flange.  Use same technique for corners.

Mortar Spreading: Use standard mortar spreading techniques. Cross-web mortar on both sides of the grouted cell to prevent grout from the vertical cell from clogging the adjacent BlockFlash pan.

Drainage: With 8”, 10” and 12” pans, Install one 7” x 16” Drainage Mat in each CMU core in the course directly above the pan course. With 6” pans, install one 7” x 14” Drainage Mat in each CMU core directly above the pan course. 6” pans should run continuously so the bridge of each pan overlaps into the pan next to it, as with the other sizes, but the 6” size pans may not align perfectly over every CMU cell or structural brick core. The Drainage Mat for all sizes should be installed front and back of CMU cells, not side to side, and should touch both walls of the CMU and the BlockFlash pan. Properly installed Drainage Mats catch and suspend mortar droppings above the pans and provide pathways for water to flow past the droppings to the pans.

Tooling: Tool all head and bed joints and remove any obstruction from the weep spouts.
